Not only fake handbags, but there are also fake dust bags...

If you have been paying attention to our blog post or Instagram, you would know we have been publishing a lot about real vs fake handbags comparison. If you are new here, you can click the below links directly to our real/fake blogs!
Could you tell which one is Real/Fake? Spot the Counterfeit!
Could you tell which one is Real/Fake? Spot the Counterfeit! 2
Could you tell which one is Real/Fake? Spot the Counterfeit! 3
And Spot the Counterfeit! 4 is coming soon! Guess which handbag we will be comparing?!
Back to the topic, time to time we don't just receive counterfeit with fake Chanel Full Set (card, dust bag and box), but we also receive authentic handbag carried in a fake dust bag. In Could you tell which one is Real/Fake? Spot the Counterfeit! 3, we also mentioned there are fake card and fake dust bag (black drawstring style) came along with the fake Chanel Small CF.
The three fake dust bags mentioned and shown in this blog came with some authentic Chanel handbags. And yes, we have triple checked the authenticity, the handbags are authentic but not their come-along dust bags.
Three on the left are three different sizes of fake dust bags while the right one is a real dust bag. You can just obviously see the different shapes and forms. Texture and lining are totally different as well. It should be easy to distinguish if you are a big fans of Chanel.
Real dust bag is with a velvet texture. Smooth and soft touch. The ink prints are very delicate and natural, really looking like using a brush painting and drawing on the dust bag. You can also see the corners and rims are with very fine stitching. In general, it looks grand and soft.
In contrast, fake dust bags overall look cheap. Stitching, prints, texture and the touch are low quality. Easily create creases and the touch is horrible!
I did mention before in the previous blog that dust bag is one of the popular authenticating elements. I can't think of any reason why the counterfeit manufacturers cannot also improve the quality of their dust bag. LOL (as their counterfeit handbags are in quite high quality and harder to spot!) I think there are many people realized that they bought a fake handbag because of the low-quality dust bag came along.
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Coco Approved x
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