Don't Worry! It's not a fake! Chanel new breathable & recycled material dust bag
Dust bag is not only for storing a handbag, but also as an important step to check the authenticity when you purchased a luxurious handbag somewhere else. Usually you would receive a black drawstring dust bag or a white flap dust bag from Chanel. This year, Chanel is giving new white dust bag with some significant changes from the old one. So don't worry if you have a dust bag look different from the usual one. Here is a closer look of the official new dust bag. Compare it. Check if yours is a new dust bag or else.... a fake dust bag.....
Let's see what's the difference and why Chanel needed to replace the old dust bag!
Old vs New Chanel Dust bag
Let's talk about the appearance first.
1. They are both a flap dust bag in white with similar sizes. Similar quilt pattern but without the ink frame around CHANEL front logo.
2. Under the flap, there is a Coco Chanel portrait on the old dust bag while the new one doesn't.
Then let's move to the material,
The old one is made of microfibre, the new one is a cotton dust bag. There are 2 main reasons and benefits replacing new cotton dust bag.
1. It's better for storage.
Cotton is a more natural and breathable material that good for storing handbags. The leather will be reserved better. Microfibre is an artificial material and not the best for storing handbags in a humid environment/ in a closet.
2.It's better for the environment
Cotton can be recyclable and biodegradable much better than microfibre. This is one of the important reasons why Chanel need to replace their microfibre dust bag - as an effort to help sustainability and be more eco-friendly.
Some said they love the old dust bag with a smoother and silkier touch while some are excited to get the new cotton dust bag. How do you think? The touch or for the environmental sake?
For me, always choose the best for our planet! Just like how Coco Approved begins- Reuse | Rehome | Recycle.
P.s. Some said the camellia changed to a paper version for the eco-friendly purpose as well.
Coco Approved xx